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Description and Holding Information
1758-09, List of Indians of the Six Nations present at the Treaty at Easton (MS)
Wrapper: September and October 1758 Conrad Weiser's list of the 6 and other nations of Indians at a treaty at Easton. Note: The original was so
badly written, it was impossible to decipher it correctly--Transcriber. Header: List of the Indians of the Six Nations names present at a treaty at
Easton in the months of September and October 1758. There were nearly 400 members of the Six Nations present, counting women and children and three
outside advisers. (Digitized from material held at the American Philosophical Society)
Title:   List of the Indians of the Six Nations names present at a treaty at Easton in the months September and October 1758.
OCLC Number:   1443769003
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