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1736-11-19, Six Nations' request delivered to Thomas Penn, by Conrad Weiser (MS)
Header: Indians' request to the government of Pennsylvania delivered to Thomas Penn, Esq., by Conrad Weiser, November 19, 1736. We, the Chiefs of
the Six Nations, wanted the Governors of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Maryland to know that the Nations expected compensation for the land now occupied
by the English. The Governors could send the money to the Nations' brethren in Philadelphia. They wanted either lower prices for trade goods or more
money for the skins they brought. James Logan was not to buy any land from the Delaware because they had no virtue and were unjust in their
dealings. The Delaware did not own the land they were offering for sale. If the Governors did not respond, the Nations would go to the King. Four chiefs
recorded their marks, which were singular marks, not just an X. (Digitized from a microfilm copy held at the Pennsylvania State Historical Society)
Title:   Indians request to the government of Pennsylvania delivered to Thomas Penn, Esquire by Conrad Weiser.
OCLC Number:   1428325692
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