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1838-01-23, Chippewa Nation-U.S.
Articles of a Treaty between the United States of America and the several bands of the Chippewa Nation comprehended within the district of Saganaw,
January 23, 1838, 7 Stat. 565-566. ( Articles of a Treaty between the United States of America and the several bands of the Chippewa Nation
comprehended within the district of Saganaw. The Chippewas agreed that all the land ceded by the Treaty of January 14, 1837, 7 Stat. 223 (LLMC 69960) may be
offered for sale at the minimum price of five dollars per acre. The land which is not sold within five years is to be sold for not less than seventy-five
cents per acre. The treaty was concluded at Saganaw in Michigan on January 23, 1838.)
Title:   Articles of a Treaty concluded at the city of Saganaw in Michigan : on the twenty-third day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, between the United States of America, by the undersigned commissioner, and the several bands of the Chippewa Nation comprehended within the district of Saganaw.
OCLC Number:   1305540167
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