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1836-09-20, Patawattimie-U.S.
Articles of a Treaty between the United States and the Patawattimie Tribe of Indians, September 20, 1836, 7 Stat. 513-514. ( Articles of a Treaty
between the United States and the Patawattimie Tribe of Indians in which the Indians cede ten sections of land reserved for them in Article 2 of the
Treaty finalized on October 27, 1832, 7 Stat. 399 (LLMC 69918) on the Tippecanoe River. In consideration the United States will pay the Indians $8,000 by
May 1, 1837, and the Patawattimie Tribe will move to land provided for them west of the Mississippi River within two years. The treaty was concluded
at Chippewanaung in the State of Indiana on September 20, 1836.)
Title:   Articles of a Treaty made and concluded at Chippewanaung, in the State of Indiana : between Abel C. Pepper, commissioner on the part of the United States, and To-i-sa's brother, Me-mat-way, and Che-quaw-ka-ko, chiefs and headmen of the Patawattamie Tribe of Indians and their band, on the twentieth day of September, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six.
OCLC Number:   1261778565
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