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1968, Panama Canal Personnel Manual (updated through 1984?)
PCPM: The Panama Canal Personnel Manual. Published by the Panama Canal Company (January 1, 1968). Approximately 1144 p., variously paginated.
Contents include the Promulgating Order issued by the Governor of the Canal Zone and President of the Panama Canal Company (December 4, 1967, taking effect
on January 1, 1968); a table of contents listing the topics in Chapter number order; the Index; the text of regulations arranged by Chapter and Section
(with date that each page was added, from 1968 to 1984); and Supplements (Awards to employees, Compensation, Hours of duty and Premium compensation,
Pay administration, Position classification and job evaluation, and Travel time).
Title:   PCPM, the Panama Canal personnel manual.
OCLC Number:   1440000155
Available Volumes
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Vol. 1YesNo