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US Senate. Comm. on the Judiciary. Subcomm. on Separation of Powers, Panama Canal Treaties (United States Senate Debate) 1977-78
95th Congress, Committee Print. Panama Canal Treaties [United States Senate Debate], 1977-78. Prepared by the Subcommittee on Separation of Powers of
the Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate. Published in three Parts by GPO (Washington 1978). xiv + 5964 p. Contents include Each part of the
document has a separate Index (table of contents) listing the page numbers for included documents: Bills, Amendments, Reservations and Understandings
introduced by Senators; statements by witnesses, senators and representatives of organizations in re the Panama Canal Treaty; articles and editorials
submitted for the record; letters to the Committee; charts and tables; miscellaneous documents and the Colloquy of senators speaking on the Floor from the
Congressional Record. Part 3 includes Appendices including committee Reports, testimony, remarks and a speech by Senator Helms.
Title:   Panama Canal treaties (United States Senate debate), 1977-78 / prepared by the Subcommittee on Separation of Powers of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate.
OCLC Number:   608689482
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Part 1, Jan. 12-Feb. 24, 1978YesNo
Part 2, Feb. 27-March 16, 1978YesNo
Part 3, March 17-April 19, 1979YesNo