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1967, Code des obligations civiles et commerciales. Code des obligations de l'administration
Senegal. Code des obligations civiles et commerciales : Partie generale, contrats speciaux. Code des obligations de l'administration: x + 192 p.,
Rustique, Imprimerie nationale], 1967?. ( The Senegal Code of Civil and Commercial Obligations covering public contracts and published as a special issue
of Recueil de legislation et de jurisprudence, vol. 16. The table of contents is located at the beginning of the volume. Titles cover such topics as
the formation of a contract, the liability of the parties involved, and ending the contract.)
Title:   Code des obligations civiles et commerciales : Partie générale, contrats spéciaux. Code des obligations de l'administration.
OCLC Number:   966431031
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