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Cox-Sinclair/Hynes, Land Values, 1910
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Title:   Land values : the taxation of land values under the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910, containing a review of the fiscal burdens on land; the provisions of the act under the heads of valuations; the duties imposed, and appeals; and the text of the act, with notes to each section; together with an appendix of acts, forms, and regulations / by Edward S. Cox-Sinclair, barrister-at-law of Gray's Inn, Holt Historical Scholar, First Prizeman in Equity, Council of Legal Education and Thomas Hynes, LL. B. (Lond.), barrister-at-law of Gray's Inn, joint author of "Hynes and Jameson's County coucil licences."
OCLC Number:   60733404
Available Volumes
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Vol. 1YesYes