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Finlason, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, [1878]
The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. The History, Constitution, and Character of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, considered as a
Judicial Tribunal: with Special Reference to the Right and Duty of its Members to Declare their Opinions. By W. F. Finlason. Published by Stevens and
Sons and George Bell and Sone (London 1878). xv + 160 p. Contents include the Preface; and five Chapters: I, History of the Authority of the King in
Council; II, Appellate Jurisdiction of the King in Council; III, Transfer of Ecclesiastical Appeals to the King in Council; IV, Constitution and
Character of the Judicial Committee; and V, The Judicial Committee as the Appellate Tribunal in Ecclesiastical Cases.
Title:   The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council : the history, consititution, and character, of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, considered as a judicial tribunal : especially in ecclesiastical cases, with special reference to the right and duty of its members to declare their opinions / by W.F. Finlason, barrister-at-law, editor of "Reeves' history of the English law," author of "Exposition of our judicial system," "The Ridsdale case, with historical introduction," etc.
OCLC Number:   903669178
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