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Jeremy, Law of Carriers, Inn-Keepers, Warehousemen, and Other Depositories of Goods for Hire, 1816
The Law of Carriers, Inn-Keepers, Warehousemen, and other Depositories of Goods for Hire. By Henry Jeremy. Printed in London; reprinted and published
by I. Riley (New York 1816). 163 p. Contents include the preface; an Introduction; eight chapters on Carriers, Conveyance of Persons, Conveyance of
Goods and Liability at Common Law, Liability and how it is restrained, Discharge of Liability, Miscellaneous duties connected to Contract, In case of
Suit, of the Duties and Privileges of Inn-keepers; an Appendix (Regulations re Porterage in London by Statute, and cases); and an Index.
Title:   The law of carriers, inn-keepers, warehousemen, and other depositories of goods for hire / by Henry Jeremy, Esq. of the Middle Temple.
OCLC Number:   426134479
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