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Somers, Subject’s Right of Petitioning, 1701
Jura populi Anglicani, or, The subject's right of petitioning set forth: occasioned by the case of the Kentish petitioners: with some thoughts on the
reasons which induc’d those gentlemen to petition: and of the Commons right of imprisoning: attributed to John Somers, xiv+64p., London, n.p., 1701.
( A discussion of the limitations on the right to petition either House of Parliament and the landmark Kentish case. The work is written anonymously,
but has been attributed to Baron John Somers who served as Lord Chancellor from 1697 to 1700. There are numerous footnotes but no table of contents
or index.)
Title:   Jura populi Anglicani, or, The subject's right of petitioning set forth : occasioned by the case of the Kentish petitioners : with some thoughts on the reasons which induc'd those gentlemen to petition : and of the Commons right of imprisoning.
OCLC Number:   642508041
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