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May, Treatise on the Law, Privileges, Proceedings and Usage of Parliament, 1873 (7th edition)
A Treatise on the Law, Privileges, Proceedings and Usage of Parliament, by Thomas Erskine May. Seventh Edition, revised and enlarged, published by
Butterworths (London 1873). xxvi + 861 p. Contents include an advertisement and preface to the first, edition; the work in three books (I, Constitution,
Powers and Privileges of Parliament; II, Practice and Proceedings of Parliament; III, The Manner of Passing Private Bills); the Appendix
(Proclamation by the Queen; legal form); and the Index.
Title:   A treatise on the law, privileges, proceedings, and usage of Parliament / by Sir Thomas Erskine May, K.C.B., of the Middle Temple, barrister-at-law, clerk of the House of Commons, author of "The constitutional history of England, since the accessioin of George III., 1700-1800."
OCLC Number:   60725168
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