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Young, Foreign Companies and Other Corporations, 1912
Foreign Companies and Other Corporations, by E. Hilton Young. Published by the University Press (Cambridge 1912). xii + 332 p. Contents of this
English treatise include the author’s preface; a table of contents; the text consisting of two parts: I, the Juristic Person in Private International Law,
and II, Foreign Companies and Other Corporations in English Law; an Appendix (the State as juristic person); and an Index. (The first footnote states:
“A juristic person is a ‘subject’ of rights which is not a natural person. The phrase is used here throughout instead of ‘corporation’ as the more
inclusive term, since there are many juristic persons that are not corporations.”)
Title:   Foreign companies and other corporations / by E. Hilton Young, M.A., of the Inner Temple and Oxford Circuit, barrister-at-law, city editor of The Morning Post.
OCLC Number:   636062086
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