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Reports des cases en le Court del Bank le Roy du Siderfin, 2nd ed., 1v. (1657-76)(ER)
Reports of Cases before the courts of King’s Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, 1658-1676. Reported by Thomas Siderfin. 2 vols. in law French, Second
Edition, 1714. Edinburgh: W. Green & Sons; London: Stevens & Sons; Boston, the Boston Book Company; Canada, Canada Law Book Company, 1908. (The
Second Edition was published in London by J. Nutt, assignee of E. Sayer, for S. Keble; edited by Robert Dobynes, Eduard Chilton and Robert Skinner.) The
imprint is taken from English Reports, vol. 82, pp. 934-1321. Cited as Sid.
Title:   Les reports des divers special cases argue & adjudge en le Court del bank le Roy : et auxy en le Co. Ba. & l'Exchequer en les primier dix ans apres le Restauration del Son Tres-Excellent Majesty le Roy Charles le II / colligees par Tho. Siderfin, Esq, jades del Melieu-Temple, Londres.
OCLC Number:   58597864
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Vol. 1YesNo
Vol. 2YesNo