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Smith, Freedom of the Press, [1903]
The Freedom of the Press. Governor Samuel W. Pennypacker’s Message Approving the Bill in Restraint of Its Liberty and Charles Emory Smith’s Editorial
in Protest. Publisher not identified. 28 p. Contents include a Prefatory section; the Editorial from The Philadelphia Press, May 13, 1903, by C. E.
Smith; and the Governor’s Message approving the Bill, May 12, 1903 (pp. 15-28). (The prefatory section states: “The enactment of a law in Pennsylvania
designed to restrict the freedom of the press renewed the old battle. The message of Governor Pennypacker approving this law, and the instant and
powerful protest of journalism precipitated and chrystallized the issue.”)
Title:   The Freedom of the press : Governor Samuel W. Pennypacker's message approving the bill in restraint of its liberty and Charles Emory Smith's editorial in protest.
OCLC Number:   1154354452
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