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1757-09-13, Johnson, Letter to Gov. Denny (MS)
Wrapper: Copy 13 September 1757 Sir William Johnson's letter to Gov. Denny. This shows that Sir William Johnson will not accept the mediation
under these circumstances ___ ___ the Quakers have Indian ___. This letter deserves to be ___ considered and communicated where proper. [From] Fort
Johnson 13th September 1757. Johnson told Gov. Denny he had received all the papers sent to him after the Easton meeting. He said the Lords of Trade
had asked him to be the adjuster for the Delaware claims. Johnson thought the proceedings clearly showed the Delaware preferred to deal with Gov.
Denny, so Johnson had laid the problem on the desk of Earl of Loudoun. When Johnson reviewed the situation with Croghan, he agreed that it appeared the
Quakers had interfered with the process. However, since the Chief had agreed to remain peaceful for the time being, perhaps the situation could be
quietly managed. (Digitized from a microfilm copy held at the Pennsylvania State Historical Society)
Title:   [William Johnson's letter to Governor Denny].
OCLC Number:   1440095001
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