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1755, Petition of Pennsylvania residents to the King (MS)
This document is beautifully written, but it is long. Header: To the King's Most Excellent Majesty, the petition of sundry of your Majesty's
dutiful and loyal subjects, the inhabitants of the Province of Pennsylvania in behalf of themselves and others most humbly sheweth: There followed six
points to show the sad state of the Province, carefully blaming the Quaker policy of unarmed living and asking the King to order the Province to defend
itself. The petition was signed by 113 people. John Pownale, Secretary, certified the document was a true copy from an original in the Office of the
Right Honorable the Lords Commissioner for Trade and Plantations. Plan Office, April 10, 1750. (Digitized from a microfilm copy held at the
Pennsylvania State Historical Society)
Title:   [Petition of Pennsylvania residents to the King].
OCLC Number:   1437623613
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