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1774-09-16 Agricola's response to two publications by "My Old Friend"
September 16, 1774 broadside addressed to the inhabitants of New York City and authored by "Agricola." This documents was mocking of two
publications written by someone he called "My Old Friend" who has undertaken to think, speak and act for the rest of the citizens. His Loyalist position
criticized the supporters of the embargo as "renegades." See LLMC #20829 for another document authored by Agricola. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of
title originally held by the New York Historical Society Library).
Title:   To the worthy inhabitants of the city of New-York : Fellow citizens, I addressed you upon a former occasion, when it was judged necessary to curb the arrogance of a few overbearing individuals among us ...
OCLC Number:   62805432
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