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1697-04-15, Rye & Bedford seek to associate with Conn. to avoid taxes
April 5, 1697 Broadside issued by Gov. Benjamin Fletcher. This proclamation warned the citizens of the towns of Rye and Bedford in Westchester, New
York that failure to pay taxes and asking to be associated with Connecticut would be punished. However, if these violators appear before him by May
20th and repent and allegiance, they will be pardoned. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of a title originally held by the New York Historical Society
Library (c.1) and the Massachusetts Historical Society Library (c.2)).
Title:   By His Excellency Collonel Benjamin Fletcher captain general and governour in chief of His Majesties province of New-York, &c. A proclamation : Whereas sundry of the inhabitants of the tonws of Rye and Bedford, in the county of Westchester, in the province of New-York, have made defection from their allegiance to ... the government of this province ... and have applyed themselves to the government of Connecticut collony for protection ... I do hereby require the inhabitants ... of Rye and Bedford ... to return unto the allegiance which they owe ... as subjects of this province ... Given at Fort William Henry the 15th day of April ... 1697 / Ben. Fletcher.
OCLC Number:   990016267
Available Volumes
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Vol. 1, c.2YesNo