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1753-09-08/10, Meeting between Col. Wm. Johnson and the Six Nations at Onondago (MS)
SEE ALSO 56659 Wrapper: Col. Wm. Johnson's diary of his proceedings with the Six Nations at Onondago in Sept. 1753. On September 8, 1753, the
Onondaga Castle said they were ready. Three of the Nations' chiefs had recently died, so Johnson used graceful language to honor their memory and
re-kindle the friendship with the Six Nations. He gave a short message to each of the Nations. He asked for quicker and clearer communication and that
the Nations would be in solidarity against the French. The Governor, at the Nations' request, had forbidden rum sales in the Nations' territories.
Johnson said he hoped to hear from them again the next day, but the spokesman for the Nations said it would be in two days. On September 10, 1753, the
Nations' spokesman thanked Johnson for his kind words about their deceased comrades. He said, as requested, the Nations would not go to the French
church, but he didn't see why it was a problem. The Nations were so hemmed in by the French and English that there was hardly anywhere to hunt and
hunting was their living. He protested that the Nations did not give Niagara to the French and the Nations would forbid the French to sell rum there. He
thanked Johnson for speaking to them in their own fashion so they could clearly understand. He hoped for more frequent meetings and more exchanges of
news. (Digitized from a microfilm copy held at the Pennsylvania State Historical Society)
Title:   [Colonel William Johnson's diary of his proceedings with the Six Nations at Onondago in Sept. 1753].
OCLC Number:   1439065119
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