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1864-02-10, Communication of Gov. Andrew of Massachusetts [Maine doc.]
Forty-third Legislature. House. No. 14. On February 27, 1864, Governor Cony sent the Legislature a letter of February 10, 1864 from Governor Andrew
of Massachusetts regarding the management of public land scrip. After the Civil War, Congress decided to give public land scrip to the states, the
sales of which would fund "the education of the industrial classes," especially agricultural colleges. States who no longer had federal public lands
within their boundaries would have to sell their scrip in the open market. This would drive the price down, so Governor Andrew proposed that states
in that position would agree to sell their scrip for $1.05/acre, a little below the standard price of $1.25. As a group, the states would hire agents
to work in the eastern port cities to sell the paper. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Maine State Library and the
Library of Congress).
Title:   To the Senate and House of Representatives : Herewith I transmit a communication from Governor Andrew of Massachusetts in relation to a concert of the states receiving land scrip from the government of the United States for the endowment of agricultural colleges for the disposition of the same.
OCLC Number:   1443010518
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