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1780, Adjusted constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1884)
The adjusted constitution of Massachusetts; annulled and fulfilled parts dropped; amendments embodied with the original articles: Edited by J. Nelson
Trask, xiv + 142 p., Boston: The Editor, 1884. ( The constitution of Massachusetts with a history beginning on p.viii of the foretalk. Notes in the
left margin include citations to relevant cases and brief descriptions of the content of each paragraph. The table of contents is located at the
beginning of the constitution. The pages of the adjusted constitution appear on the even pages and the pages of the original constitution on the odd pages.
A table listing the parts of the original constitution left out of the adjusted constitution begins on p.125, and a subject index to the adjusted
constitution begins on p.129.)
Title:   The adjusted constitution of Massachusetts : annulled and fulfilled parts dropped; amendments embodied with the original articles / edited by J. Nelson Trask.
OCLC Number:   894500997
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