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House. Comm. on Hingham and Quincy Bridge Petition. Report, 1832
House No. 23 In January 1832, the Committee on Roads and Bridges presented a report in response to a petition to do away with a payment to river
boatmen using a particular canal. In the beginning, the payment was supposed to compensate boatmen for having to wait for the draws to open, but boat
traffic had significantly diminished, the company was losing money from other services, and wanted to get out from under the charge. There was still a
little traffic, so the Committee submitted a bill to address the issues: An Act in addition to an act to establish the Hingham & Quincy Bridge and
Turnpike Corporation, 1832. The Corporation must raise the draw bridges on request and must set up a buoy system above and below each bridge, but it is
relieved from paying the boatmen. The Governor was to appoint a competent person to set the buoys and the company would pay that person. On
February 8, 1832, this passed the Senate also. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Massachusetts State Library).
Title:   To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, in the first Wednesday in January, A.D. 1832 : the undersigned, a viewing committee, appointed by virtue of an order, a copy of which is hereunto annexed, passed by the General Court June 9th, 1831, on the petition of the Hingham and Quincy Bridge and Turnpike Corporation respectfully report ...
OCLC Number:   1393031960
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