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Senate. Comm. on the Judicary. Report and bill on insolvent debtors, 1827
Senate No. 4 On June 15, 1826, the Committee on the Judiciary was directed to study the assignment of property by an insolvent debtor. On January
11, 1827, the Committee reported out a bill: An act concerning the property of insolvent debtors, 1827. If an insolvent debtor conveyed property to a
trustee, the value of that property was to be apportioned among all creditors who filed a notice of money owed with the trustee within [not defined]
months. When a creditor accepted the available sum for payment, that was an end to the matter. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally
held by the Massachusetts State Library).
Title:   Commonwealth of Massachusetts, In Senate, June 15, 1826. : Ordered, that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire what alterations are necessary in the laws relative to the assignment of property by insolvent debtors, so as to secure a more equal distribution thereof, among all their creditors; and that they further inquire into the expediency of causing all attachments of real estate to be recorded in the registry of deeds for the county where the same lies, with directions to report at an early day of the next session of this General Court ...
OCLC Number:   1381685621
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