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1792- , Kentucky, Senate Journals
Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: title varies, 1792–, Lexington & Frankfort, var. state printers, 1792–. ((In the last third
of the 18th Century, the area that is now the State of Kentucky comprised a lightly settled district of the British Royal Colony of Virginia. In the
immediate pre-Revolutionary years a series of treaties with various Indian tribes methodically cleared way for greater white settlement. By the time of
the American Revolution the population of the District of Kentucky had grown sufficiently that it could realistically hope to become a separate
American state. The State of Virginia proved pleasantly cooperative. Via legislation called the “Virginia Compact” it set up the legislative framework for
the transition of the District to statehood and, very importantly given their recent provenance, transferred all Kentucky-related land records to the
new capital of Frankfort. In legislation passed on 4 February 1791 the U.S. Congress consented to the admission of the District as a separate state.
Kentucky’s new constitution carried over the common law as it had existed in Virginia and provided that the general statute laws of Virginia would
remain in effect in the new state unless and until modified by subsequent acts of the Kentucky legislature. In addition the new state adopted the title of
“Commonwealth,” a designation it shares with three other states: Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia. While the term has no legal significance,
it is meant to indicate that the entity has a government based upon the consent of the people, rather than being legitimized through royal charter from
the monarchs of England. The Kentucky legislature began its first session in the town of Lexington, the temporary capital, on 4 June 1792. The town
of Frankfort, the putative capital, got its first post office in 1794, and a governor’s mansion by 1798. The first permanent capitol building in
Frankfort was completed in 1830.) (Documents which are part of the Early State Records collection were digitized from a microfilm copy of titles originally
held by the University of Chicago Library, the Kentucky State Library, the Library of Congress, and the University of Kentucky Library).
Title:   Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Kentucky : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Senate at the ... session of the General Assembly for the Commonwealth of Kentucky ...
OCLC Number:   904340180
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
1792 JuneYesNo
1793 Nov (inc.)YesNo
1794 NovYesNo
1795 NovYesNo
1798 JanYesNo
1801 NovYesNo
1803 Nov (inc.)YesNo
1804 NovYesNo
1805 NovYesNo
1806 NovYesNo
1807 - 1808 FebYesNo
1808 - 1809 FebYesNo
1809 - 1810 JanYesNo
1810 - 1811 JanYesNo
1811 - 1812 FebYesNo
1812 - 1813 FebYesNo
1813 - 1814 FebYesNo
1814 - 1815 FebYesNo
1815 - 1816 FebYesNo
1816 - 1817 FebYesNo
1817 - 1818 FebYesNo
1818 - 1819 FebYesNo
1819 - 1820 FebYesNo
1820 Oct-DecYesNo
1821 Oct-DecYesNo
1824 - 1825 NovYesNo
1827 - 1828 DecYesNo
1837 - 1838 DecYesNo
1839 - 1840 DecYesNo
1844 - 1845 DecYesNo
1846 - 1847 DecYesNo
1847 - 1848 DecYesNo
1848 - 1849 DecYesNo
1849 - 1850 DecYesNo
1850 - 1851 NovYesNo
1851 - 1852 NovYesNo
1853 - 1854 DecYesNo
1855 - 1856 DecYesNo
1857 - 1858 DecYesNo
1861 JanYesNo
1861 - 1862 Sept; Adj Sess Nov - Dec; Adj Sess FebYesNo
1862 Aug Called SessYesNo
1863 JanYesNo
1863 - 1864 DecYesNo
1863 - 1864 Dec Adj SessYesNo
1865 - 1866 DecYesNo
1867 - 1868 DecYesNo
1869 Jan Adj SessYesNo
1869 - 1870 DecYesNo
1871 Jan Adj SessYesNo
1871 - 1872 DecYesNo
1873 Jan Adj SessYesNo
1875 - 1876 DecYesNo
1877 - 1878 DecYesNo
1879 - 1880 DecYesNo
1883 - 1884 DecYesNo
1885 - 1886 DecYesNo
1887 - 1888 DecYesNo
1889 - 1890 DecYesNo
1891 Dec - 1892 JulyYesNo
1892 July - AugYesNo
1892 Aug Called SessYesNo
1891 Nov - 1892 Mar Adj SessYesNo
1892 Mar - Aug Adj Sess V. 3YesNo
1894 JanYesNo
1896 JanYesNo
1897 Mar Sp SessYesNo
1898 JanYesNo
1900 JanYesNo
1900 Aug Ext SessYesNo
1902 JanYesNo
1904 JanYesNo
1905 Jan Sp SessYesNo
1906 JanYesNo
1906 Mar Called Sess & IndexYesNo
1908 JanYesNo
1910 JanYesNo
1912 JanYesNo
1912 Feb - Mar V. 2YesNo
1914 Jan - FebYesNo
1914 Mar V. 2YesNo
1916 Jan - FebYesNo
1916 Feb - Mar V. 2YesNo
1916 Mar V. 3YesNo
1916 Impeachment J. E. WilliamsYesNo
1917 Feb Ex SessYesNo
1918 Jan - Mar V. 1YesNo
1918 Mar V. 2YesNo
1920 Jan - MarYesNo
1920 Mar V. 2YesNo
1920 Mar V. 3YesNo
1922 Jan - Feb V. 1YesNo
1922 Feb - Mar V. 2YesNo
1922 Mar V. 3YesNo
1924 Jan - Feb V. 1YesNo
1924 Feb - Mar V. 2YesNo
1924 Mar V. 3YesNo
1926 Jan - Feb V. 1YesNo
1926 Feb - Mar V. 2YesNo
1926 Mar V. 3YesNo
1926 Mar V. 4YesNo
1928 Jan - Feb V. 1YesNo
1928 Feb V. 2YesNo
1928 Feb - Mar V. 3YesNo
1928 Mar V. 4YesNo
1930 Jan - Feb V. 1YesNo
1930 Feb - Mar V. 2YesNo
1930 Mar V. 3YesNo
1932 Jan - Feb V. 1YesNo
1932 Feb V. 2YesNo
1932 Feb - Mar V. 3YesNo
1932 Mar V. 4YesNo
1933 Sept Ex SessYesNo
1934 Jan - Feb V. 1YesNo
1934 Feb V. 2YesNo
1934 Mar V. 3YesNo
1934 Jan - Mar V. 4YesNo
1934 May - July Ex Sess V. 1YesNo
1935 Feb Ex SessYesNo
1954 Jan - Feb V. 1YesNo
1954 Feb - Mar V. 2YesNo
1956 Jan - FebYesNo
1958 Jan - Mar V. 1YesNo
1958 Mar V. 2YesNo
1959 Dec EX SessYesNo
1960 Jan - MarYesNo
1960 Mar V. 2YesNo
1960 Sept Ex SessYesNo
1962 JanYesNo
1963 Jan - Feb 1st Ex SessYesNo
1963 June - July 2d Ex SessYesNo
1963 Nov - Dec 3d Ex SessYesNo
1964 Jan - MarYesNo
1966 Jan - Mar YesNo
1966 Mar V. 2YesNo
1968 Jan - Mar V. 1YesNo
1968 Mar V. 2YesNo
1970 Jan - Feb V. 1YesNo
1970 Feb - Mar V. 2YesNo
1974 JanYesNo
1976 JanYesNo
1976 Dec Ex SessYesNo
1978 Jan - Mar V. 1YesNo
1978 Mar V. 2YesNo
1978 Dec Ex SessYesNo
1979 Jan - Feb Ex SessYesNo
1980 Jan - Mar V. 1YesNo
1980 Mar - Apr V. 2YesNo
1982 Jan - Mar V. 1YesNo
1982 Mar - Apr V. 2YesNo
1983 Org SessYesNo
1983 Jan Ex SessYesNo
1984 Jan - Mar V. 1YesNo
1984 Mar - Apr V. 2YesNo
1986 Jan - Mar V. 1YesNo
1986 Mar - Apr V. 2YesNo