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1936, General Statutes of Kansas, Annotated 1935
General Statutes of Kansas (Annotated) 1935 containing all statutory laws of a general nature in force, including acts passed at the regular session
of 1935, duly arranged, numbered, annotated and indexed …: compiled, edited and indexed by Franklin Corrick, lxxx+2705p., Topeka, The Kansas State
Printing Plant, 1936. (This volume contains the first statutory legislative history and citations to prior law ever compiled in Kansas. Legislative
history is shown in brackets after the text of each section. The “source or prior law” citations immediately following each section indicate previous
legislation on the same subject. The general index begins on p.2201.)
Title:   General statutes of Kansas (annotated) 1935 : containing all statutory laws of a general nature in force, including acts passed at the regular session of 1935, duly arranged, numbered, annotated and indexed, with headings, history, notes, cross references and tables inserted, as required by law : to which have been prefixed, the Declaration of Independence; Constitution of the United States; Organic Act; Constitution of Kansas; Act of Admission; and authentication of legislative acts, judicial proceedings and public records / compiled, edited and indexed by Franklin Corrick, revisor of statutes ; published under authority of Chapter 297, Laws 1935.
OCLC Number:   769261953
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