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1915, General Statutes of Kansas (McIntosh)
General statutes of Kansas, 1915, authenticated; Being a compilation of all the laws of a general nature, including the session laws of 1915…: by
R.E. McIntosh, xviii+2718p, Topeka, The Kansas State Printing Plant, 1917. (A TOC starts on p. v; a general index on p. 2479.)
Title:   General statutes of Kansas, 1915, authenticated : being a compilation of all the laws of a general nature, including the session laws of 1915, based upon the General statutes of 1868, and subsequent session laws, annotated to and including Kansas reports, volume 96, and Kansas appeals reports, volume 10 / by R.E. McIntosh, of the Topeka Bar.
OCLC Number:   680538775
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Volume 1YesYes