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1914-, All India Reporter, Peshawar, 1933-47
The All India Reporter; Peshawar, 1933-47, (Series continues), Nagpur, All India Reporter Press, 1933-. (From 1914 until Indian independence all of
the courts of record for British India were reported in this series; although for some of the smaller jurisdictions coverage started later than 1914.
In this way, the AIR series compares in some respects to the National Reporter System in the United States. As in the U.S., some cases were covered
also in other independent reporters published within the separate jurisdictions. Each of the 34 volumes in the AIR series is multi-book, with the
separate books in each year covering one or more jurisdictions each, resulting in a fair amount of confusion in using the print version. To help make these
materials more easily usable online, LLMC has broken the AIR into separate sub-titles for the separate jurisdictions covered, as in this case for
Title:   The All India reporter. Peshawar section : containing full reports of all reportable judgments of the Peshawar Judicial Commissioner's Court.
OCLC Number:   872157057
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