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1916, Haiti Diplomatic Documents, 1838-1915, Borno,
Rapport de M. Louis Borno, Secrétaire d’état des relations extérieures a S.E. Monsieur le Président de la République d’Haiti; Tome 1er; Negotions
diverses reclamations et litiges diplomatiques 1916: n.a., (4)+505+(4)p., Port-au-Prince, Imp. Nationale, 1918. (This text covers many of the most
important diplomatic accords between Haiti and other countries during the years 1838-1915. Most of the text is in French, but some of the documents
covering relations with the United States are in English. Despite the “Tome 1er” in the title, this appears to be a standalone work. For example, the L.C.
Guide to the Official Publications of the Other American Republics, published in 1947, in its listing for this title makes no mention of other volumes.
However, given its coverage, the following title may be related to this in some way. Borno, a professor at the Ecole Nationale de Droit de
Port-au-Prince, earlier served as President of Haiti and was Secretary of State for External Affairs at the time of this work.)
Title:   Rapport de M. Louis Borno, secrétaire d'État des relations extérieures à S.E. Monsieur le président de la République d'Haïti.
OCLC Number:   666550550
Available Volumes
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Volume 1YesNo