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Raymond, 1791?, Response to Saint-Mery,
Response a M. Moreau, dit Saint-Méry: n.a., 68p, n.p., n.d., 1791? (This text is attributed to Julien Raymond, a mullato, and author of a treatise on
the origin of anti-black prejudice among the while settlers in Saint-Domingue. His thesis is that racial preju-dice against the mullatos deprived the
colons of valuable allies and led to their overthrow. His opponent here is Saint-Méry, an authority on the French colonies, whose work Saint
Domingue, Constitutiuons and Laws, is also available on this site. Lacks TC & index.)
Title:   Réponse à M. Moreau, dit Saint-Méry.
OCLC Number:   879383730
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