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Leclerc, Letters du General Leclerc, 1801-02
(Letters from the San Domingue Expedition, 1801-02): pp. 46-349, Paris, Soc. De l’histoire economique de la Revolutiuon française, E Leroux, 1937.
(The entire text is in French. These non-copyright pages were scanned from a larger work issued by the Society in 1937, with an extensive introduction
by Paul Roussier and an index of names, entitled Lettres du général Leclerc, commnandant en chef de l’armée de Saint-Domingue en 1802. This work was
digitized from the microfiche collection “The French Revolution Research Collection,” Sect. 11, No.2/112. Charles Victor Emmanuel Leclerc, Napoleon’s
brother-in-law, was placed in command of the expedition sent by the First Consul to reclaim San Domingue to French rule and to restore slavery. These
letters comprise a major source of information as to how the expeditionary force of some 50,000 troops met disaster and provoked what became the Haitian
War of Independence. For another valuable first-hand account of that debacle, se: Lacroix, Memoire of Service in the S. Domingue Revolution, 1819,
also offered on this site.)
Title:   [Lettres du général Leclerc, commandant en chef de l'armée de Saint-Domingue en 1802].
OCLC Number:   810084135
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