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Pinchinat, Oge, etc., (1792?)
Testement de mort d’Ogé, et adresse de Pinchinat aux homes de couleur, en date du 13 Décembre dernier, avec la refutation de cette addresse; Par un
habitant de Saint-Domingue; Suivi d’un récit des journées des 9 et 10 Novembre dernier, à Saint-Marc: n.a., 29-30+1-28p, Philadelphia, Chez Parent,
n.d. (1792?) (Lacks TOC & index. This curious work appears to be comprised of Saint-Domingue-related reprints. The anonymous report of a visit to Saint
Domingue during the troubles, although mentioned third in the title, appears in the first number series, pp. 29-30. The narration of Oge’s death {9
Mar. 1791} appears on pp. 1-4 of the second number series. The speech by Pinchinat and its rebuttal appear on pp. 5-28. Pierre Pinchinat, a lawyer raised
and educated in France, had one negro grandparent. He was one of the principal leaders of the “free coloreds” or “mulattos” in Saint Domingue and
France, and was also one of General Rigaud’s most trusted agents. In March of 1796 he joined with Rigaurd to seize and temporarily imprison the French
Governor of Saint-Domingue, the compte de Laveaux, an important ally and personal friend of Toussaint Louverture. His famous speech supporting the
rights of the anciens libres to freedom from discrimination and to representation in the National Assembly is presented in this work with a parallel column
presenting its refutation by an anonymous member of the white planter class. See the related title offered on this site as Haiti, St.-Dom. Col.,
Activities in France Related to St.-Dom., Part 25.)
Title:   Testament de mort d'Ogé : et adresse de Pinchinat aux hommes de couleur, en date du 13 décember dernier : avec la réfutation de cette adresse ; par un habitant de Saint-Domingue : suivi d'un récit des journées des 9 et 10 novembre dernier, à Saint Marc.
OCLC Number:   62837599
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