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1940, Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, 1965
The constitution of the Republic of Cuba: n.a., 80p, Miami, Oct., Cuban Democratic Judiciary, 1965. (Lacks TOC & index. The 1940 constitution was
signed in the Town of Guáimaro, Camaguey Province on 1 July 1940, and promulgated the next day in Havana. It went into force on 10 Oct. 1940.This version
of the 1940 constitution was published by a group calling itself the Cuban Democratic Judiciary (Judicatura Cubana Democratica), and exile group of
jurists and lawyers who had fled Castro’s Cuba. The names of the members of the exile group and there “in exile” positions are given on pp. 78-80.)
Title:   Constitution of the Republic of Cuba : signed in the town of Guáimaro, Camaguey Province, the first day of July, year nineteen hundred and forty : solemnly promulgated the fifth day of July year nineteen hundred and forty.
OCLC Number:   823873994
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