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International Law and Organizations
Law of the Sea
Law of the Sea, Treatises (alpha order)
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Click on the collections below to browse the available titles on LLMC Digital.
Admiralty & Maritime Law, R. Force
Flanders, Maritime Law, 1852
Gourlie, General Average, 1881
Ingersoll, Maritime Law, 1809
Klemm, Libertad de los mares, 1919
Lemoine, Précis de droit maritime international et de diplomatie, 1888
Lucchesi-Palli, Principes du droit public maritime, 1842
Menéndez Pidal de Montes, Manual de derecho internacional maritimo, 1923
Miege, the Ancient Sea-Laws of Oleron Wisby, 1486
Pouget, Principes de droit maritime, 1858 (2 volumes)
Ræstad, Kongens strømme, 1912
Robinson, A translation of the chapters CCLXXIII and CCLXXXVII of the Consolato del mare relating to prize law, 1800
US Senate. Comm. on Commerce. Subcomm. on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Twelve-Mile Fishery Zone, 1966
Welwod, Abridgement of all Sea Laws, 1613