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U.S. States and Territories
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico, Laws (by date)
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Click on the collections below to browse the available titles on LLMC Digital.
1512-1680, Recopilación de leyes de los Reynos de las Indias, 1791, 3v.
1824-65, Prontuario de disposiciones oficiales, 1865 (Ramos)
1840, Nuevo reglamento .. del Monte Pío Militar
1844, Reglamento de medicina y cirujía
1866, Ley de enjuiciamiento civil en las islas de Cuba y de Puerto Rico
1884, Eminent Domain Law for Cuba and Puerto Rico
1887, Law of Railroads for the Island of Puerto Rico
1888, Ley de enjuiciamiento criminal para las islas de Cuba y Puerto-Rico
1889, Código penal vigente en las islas de Cuba y Puerto Rico
1893, Mortgage Law for Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines
1893, Translation of General Regulations for the Execution of the Mortgage Law for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
1899, Cuba and Puerto Rico, Notarial Law in Force
1899, Election Law for Cuba and Puerto Rico
1899, Laws relating to the civil administration and government
1900-, Puerto Rico Session laws
1901, Report to Revise and Compile the Laws of Porto Rico, 2v.
1901, Translation of the Law of Civil Procedure for Cuba and Porto Rico
1902, Revised Statutes and Codes of Porto Rico
1905, Reglamento para la organizacion y regimen del registro mercantil y Orden no. 400 de 1900
1911, Rules of the Supreme Court
1933, Ley de bancos de Puerto Rico, 1950
1939, Income Tax Act of 1924, updated to 1937, with 1939 supp
1964, Determinación final de la junta constitucional de revision de distritos electorales
2019, Act 60, amended, "Código de incentivos de Puerto Rico"
2019, Act 60, signed, "Código de incentivos de Puerto Rico"