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U.S. States and Territories
Panama Canal Zone
Canal Zone, Treatises (alpha order)
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1914, Canal Treaties
1917, Treaties and Acts of Congress Relating to the Panama Canal
1977, Comparing Ex. N, 95-1, The Panama Canal Treaty and The Treaty Concerning the Permanent Neutrality of the Panama Canal to the Amendments, Reservations and Understandings Thereto
Amending the Canal Zone Code, 1937
Amending the Canal Zone Code, 1940
Bunker, Panama Canal and the United States: Toward a New Relationship, 1975
Justice Dept. Panama Canal Title: opinion of the Attorney-General, 1902
Linowitz, Why a New Panama Canal Treaty?, 1977
Panama Canal Tolls, Papers on Dispute with U.K., 1913
Revision of Canal Zone Laws, 1930
State Dept., Diplomatic History of the Panama Canal, 1914
State Dept., Documents Associated with the Panama Canal Treaties, 1977
State Dept., Final Environmental Impact Statement for the New Panama Canal Treaties, [1977]
To Revise and Codify Laws of Canal Zone, 1928
US House. Comm. on International Relations. Panama Canal and United States-Panamanian Relations, 1978
US House. Comm. on International Relations. Proposed Panama Canal Treaties, 1978
US House. Comm. on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. New Panama Canal Treaty, 1977
US House. Comm. on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Subcomm. on Panama Canal. Panama Canal Commission Authorization and Oversight--1980, 1979
US House. Comm. on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Subcomm. on Panama Canal. Panama Canal Miscellaneous, 1977
US House. Comm. on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Subcomm. on Panama Canal. Panama Canal Treaty Ramifications, 1978-
US House. Comm. on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Subcomm. on Panama Canal. Report on the Constitutional Role of the Congress in the Disposal of U.S. Property in the Canal Zone, 1978
US House. Comm. on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Subcomm. on Panama Canal. U.S. Interest in Panama Canal, 1977
US House. Comm. on Post Office and Civil Service. Annuities of Panama Canal Ship Pilots, 1963
US House. Comm. on the Judiciary. Subcomm. on Immigration, Refugees, and International Law. Panama Canal Treaty Implementation, 1979
US House. Panama Canal Act of 1979, 1979
US Senate. Comm. on Armed Services. Defense, Maintenance and Operation of the Panama Canal, Including Administration and Government of the Canal Zone, [1978]
US Senate. Comm. on Armed Services. Defense, Maintenance, and Operation of the Panama Canal, Including Administration and Government of the Canal Zone, 1978
US Senate. Comm. on Foreign Relations. Senate Debate on the Panama Canal Treaties, 1979
US Senate. Comm. on the Judiciary. Subcomm. on Separation of Powers, Panama Canal Treaties (United States Senate Debate) 1977-78
US Senate. Comm. on the Judiciary. Subcomm. on Separation of Powers. Panama Canal Treaty (Disposition of United States Territory), 1977-78 (4 volumes)
US Senate. Comm. on the Judiciary. Subcomm. on Separation of Powers. Panama Canal Treaty and the Congressional Power to Dispose of United States Property, 1978
US Senate. Comm. on the Judiciary. Subcomm. on Separation of Powers. Proposed Panama Canal Treaties: A Digest of Information, 1978
US Senate. Delegation Studying the Panama Canal Treaties and Other Matters of Interest to the U.S. in Latin America. Report, January 3-14, 1978
US Senate. Panama Canal Act of 1979, 1979 [no. 96-320]
US Senate. Panama Canal Act of 1979, 1979 [no. 96-330]
US Senate. Panama Canal and Our Relations with Colombia, 1914
US Senatorial Delegation to the Republic of Panama. Report, November 9-12, 1977, 1978