Acton’s Reports of the Lord Commissioners of Appeals, 1809-10 (ER) |
Addams' Reports of Cases in the Ecclesiastical Courts (1822-26) (3 volumes) |
Addams' Reports of Cases in the Ecclesiastical Courts (1822-26) (3 volumes) (ER) |
Adolphus & Ellis' Queen's Bench Reports (1841-52) New series (18 volumes) |
Adolphus & Ellis' Queen's Bench Reports (1841-52) New series (18 volumes) (ER) |
Adolphus & Ellis' Reports, King's Bench/Queen's Bench, 1834-41 (12 volumes) |
Adolphus & Ellis' Reports, King's Bench/Queen's Bench, 1835-41 (12 volumes) (ER) |
Aleyn's Bankruptcy Reports During the Reign of Charles I, 1 v. (1646-48)(ER) |
Ambler's Chancery Cases, 1716-83, 2v, (2ed, Blunt) |
Ambler's Chancery Cases, 1716-83, 2v, (2ed, Blunt) (ER) |
Anderson's Common Pleas Reports, 1534-1605 (2 volumes) |
Andrew's Reports of Cases in the King's Bench, 1 v. (1737-38)(ER) |
Anstruther's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer (1792-97) (3 volumes) |
Anstruther's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer (1792-97) 2ed 3v (ER) |
Arnold’s Common Pleas Cases, 1838-39 (2 volumes) |
Atkyns' Chancery Cases, 1736-55, 3v, 3ed, Am. |
Atkyns' Reports of Hardwicke's Cases in the High Court of Chancery, 3d ed., 1794 (ER) |
Barnardiston's Cases in the High Court of Chancery, 1740-1741. 1742 (ER) |
Barnardiston's Reports of Cases from the King's Bench (1726-34) 2v (ER) |
Barnes' Notes of Common Pleas Cases (1732-60) 3ed |
Barnes' Notes of Common Pleas Cases (1732-60) 3ed (ER) |
Barnewall and Adolphus' Reports of King's Bench (1830-1834) 5v |
Barnewall and Adolphus' Reports of King's Bench (1830-1834) 5v (ER) |
Barnewall and Alderson's Reports of Cases in King's Bench (1817-22) 5v |
Barnewall and Alderson's Reports of Cases in King's Bench (1817-22) 5v (ER) |
Barnewall and Cresswell's Reports of King's Bench (1822-30) 10v |
Barnewall and Cresswell's Reports of King's Bench (1822-30) 10v (ER) |
Beavan's Chancery Reports, 1838-66, 36v |
Beavan's Chancery Reports, 1838-66, 36v (ER) |
Bellewe's Cases, temp. Richard II, 1378-1400, 1869 repr. |
Bellew's Les Ans du Roy Richard ie Second, 1v. (1378-1400)(ER). |
Bell's Reports of Crown Cases (1858-60) |
Bell's Reports of Crown Cases (1858-60) (ER) |
Bendloe's Les reports de, 1530-1603 (1661) |
Best & Smith's Reports of Cases in Queen's Bench and Exchequer (1861-69) 10v |
Best & Smith's Reports of Cases in Queen's Bench and Exchequer (1861-69) 6v (ER) |
Bigelow's Cases, Wm .I to Rich. I, 1066-1195 (1879) |
Bigelow's Cases, Wm .I to Rich. I, 1066-1195 (1881) |
Bingham's Reports of Cases in Common Pleas and Other Courts 1822-34) 10v (ER) |
Bingham's Reports of Cases in Common Pleas and Other Courts 1822-34) 10v. |
Bingham's Reports of New Cases in Common Pleas and Other Courts (1834-40) 6v |
Bingham's Reports of New Cases in Common Pleas and Other Courts (1834-40) 6v (ER) |
Blackstone's Reports in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber (1788-96) 2v (ER) |
Blackstone's Reports in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber (1788-96) 2v, 4 Ed. |
Blackstone's Reports of Cases of Westminster-Hall (1746-79) 2ed 2v (ER) |
Bligh's House of Lords Reports, 1819-21, O.S., 4v. |
Bligh's House of Lords Reports, 1819-21, O.S., 4v. (ER) |
Bligh's House of Lords Reports, 1827-37, N.S., 11v. |
Bligh's House of Lords Reports, 1827-37, N.S., 11v. (ER) |
Bosanquet and Puller's New Reports of Cases in Common Pleas and Other Courts (1804-07) |
Bosanquet and Puller's New Reports of Cases in Common Pleas and Other Courts (1804-07) 2v (ER) |
Bosanquet and Puller's Reports of Cases in Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber (1796-1804) |
Bosanquet and Puller's Reports of Cases in Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber (1796-1804) OS, 3v, 2ed |
Bosanquet and Puller's Reports of Cases in Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber (1796-1804) 3v (ER) |
Bracton's Notebook (Maitland, 1887), 1218-40, 3v |
Bridgman’s Cases, Chief Justice of Chester, 1626-1638 |
Bridgman's (O.) Reports from Common Pleas (1660-67) (ER) |
Bridgman's Reports of Cases in the Court of Common Pleas (1613-21) (ER) |
Broderip and Bingham's Reports of Cases in Common Pleas (1819-22) 4v. |
Broderip and Bingham's Reports of Cases in Common Pleas (1819-22) 3v (ER) |
Brooke's Ecclesiastical Cases, 1850-72 |
Brooke's New Cases from Henry VIII - Mary, 1 v. (1514-58)(ER) |
Brooke's New Cases, K.B., 1515-58 (1873) |
Browning & Bulwer, Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Courts Reports, |
Browning & Lushington's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty and Privy Council (1863-65) |
Browning & Lushington's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty and Privy Council (1863-65) (ER) |
Brownlow & Goldesborough's Reports of Cases in Common Pleas (1569-1624) 3ed 2pts (ER) |
Brown's Cases in Chancery during Lord Chancellors Thurlow and Loughborough (1778-94) (Belt), 4v |
Brown's Cases in Chancery during Lord Chancellors Thurlow and Loughborough (1778-94) (Perkins), 4v |
Brown's Cases in Chancery during Lord Chancellors Thurlow and Loughborough (1778-94) 2v. 5th ed. 1820. (ER) |
Brown's House of Lords Cases, 1701-1800, 8v. (ER) |
Brown's Parliamentary Cases, 1702-1800, 8v., 2ed. |
Buck's Bankruptcy Cases, 1816-20 |
Bulstrode's Reports of King's Bench Cases, 3v (1609-26)(ER) |
Bunbury's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer (1713-41) |
Bunbury's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer (1713-41) (ER) |
Burrell & Marsden's Admiralty Cases (1584-1839) |
Burrell & Marsden's Admiralty Cases (1584-1839) (ER) |
Burrows' Reports of Cases in the Court of the King's Bench (1756-72) 5v (ER) |
Burrows' Reports of Cases in the Court of the King's Bench (1756-72) 5v, 1st Am. Ed. |
Cairn’s Insurance Decisions, 1871-1873 (1875) |
Calthrop's Reports of Special Cases of London with Diverse Usage and Customs Add., 1 v. (1609-18)(ER). |
Campbell & Finlason's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius & the Crown Side (1856-67) 4v (ER) |
Campbell's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius (1807-1816) 4v |
Campbell's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius (1807-1816) 4v (ER) |
Carrington & Kirwan's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius (1843-50) 3v |
Carrington & Kirwan's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius (1843-50) 3v (ER) |
Carrington & Marshman's Reports of Cases in Nisi Prius (1840-42) |
Carrington & Marshman's Reports of Cases in Nisi Prius (1840-42) (ER) |
Carrington & Payne's Reports of Cases in Nisi Prius (1823-41) 9v (ER) |
Carter's Reports of Cases in the Court of Common Pleas (1664-75) (ER) |
Carthew's Reports of King's Bench Cases (1686-1700) (ER) |
Cary, 1555-1602. Reports or Causes in Chancery, 1665, 1v |
Cary, 1557-1602. Reports or Causes in Chancery, 1v (ER) |
Choyce Cases in Chancery, 1557-1606 (1870) |
Clark, 1831-46, House of Lords Cases (Clark & Finnelley) 12v. |
Clark, 1831-46, House of Lords Cases (Clark & Finnelley) 12v. (ER) |
Clark, 1847-66, House of Lords Cases |
Clark, 1847-66, House of Lords Cases, 11v (ER) |
Clark's House of Lords Reports, Index, 1814-68 |
Cockburn & Rowe's Election Cases, 1833 |
Coke's Reports, am. by Thomas and Fraser, 13 v., (am. 6 v.) (1572-1617)(ER) |
Colles' Cases Heard upon Appeals and Writs of Errors, 1697-1713. 1v. (ER) |
Collyer's Chancery Cases, 2v (1844-46) 2v |
Collyer's Chancery Rpts., 2v. (1844-46) (ER) |
Comberbach’s King’s Bench Reports, 1685-1702 (1724) |
Comberbach's Reports of Select Cases in King's Bench (1685-98) (ER) |
Common Bench Reports by Manning, Granger, and Scott (1845-56) 18v (ER) |
Comyns' Reports of Cases (1695-1741) 2v |
Comyns' Reports of Cases (1695-1741) 2ed 2v ER) |
Cooke's Reports in Court of Common Pleas (1706-47) (ER) |
Cooper, 1833-34, Chancery Reports, temp. Brougham |
Cooper, 1833-34, Chancery Reports, temp. Brougham (ER) |
Cooper, 1837-38, Chancery Practice Cases (ER) |
Cooper, 1846-48, Chancery Reports, temp. Cottenham, 2v |
Cooper, 1846-48, Chancery Reports, temp. Cottenham, 2v (ER) |
Corbett & Daniell's Election Cases, 1819 |
Cowper's Reports of Cases in King's Bench (1774-78) 2ed 2v (ER) |
Cowper's Reports of Cases in King's Bench (1774-78) 2v, 2ed |
Cox's Chancery Cases, 1783-96, 2v |
Cox's Chancery Cases, 1783-96, 2v (ER) |
Cox's Criminal Law Cases, 1843-1941, 31v |
Craig & Phillips' Chancery Reports, 1840-41 |
Craig & Phillips' Chancery Reports, 1840-41 (ER) |
Cripps Chancery & Clerical Cases, 1847-50 |
Crockford's Maritime Cases, 1860-71 |
Croke's Reports During Elizabeth's Reign, 1582-1641, 3v, 4/5ed, Leach, Dublin |
Croke's Reports During Elizabeth's Reign, 4 v. (1582-1641)(ER) |
Crompton & Jervis' Reports of Cases in the Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber (1830-32) 2v |
Crompton & Jervis' Reports of Cases in the Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber (1830-32) 2v (ER) |
Crompton & Meeson's Reports of Cases in the Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber (1832-34) 2v |
Crompton & Meeson's Reports of Cases in the Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber (1832-34) 2v (ER) |
Crompton, Meeson, & Roscoe's Reports in the Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber (1834-35) 2v |
Crompton, Meeson, & Roscoe's Reports in the Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber (1834-35) 2v (ER) |
Cunningham's Reports of Cases in the King's Bench in King George II Reign (1834-35) (ER) |
Curteis' Reports of Cases in the Ecclesiastical Courts (1834-44) 3v (ER) |
Dale & Lehmann's Digest of Cases Overruled, 1756-1886 |
Daniell's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer in Equity (1817-20) |
Daniell's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer in Equity (1817-20) (ER) |
Davies' King's Bench Irish Reports 1v (1604-12) (ER) |
Davies' Land & Valuation Appeals, 1910-14, 3v |
Davison & Merivale's Queen's Bench Cases, 1843-44 |
Deacon & Chitty's Bankruptcy Cases, 1832-35, 4v |
Deane and Swabey's Reports of Cases in Ecclesiastical Courts (1855-57) |
Deane and Swabey's Reports of Cases in Ecclesiastical Courts (1855-57) (ER) |
Dearsly & Bell's Reports of Crown Cases (1856-58) |
Dearsly & Bell's Reports of Crown Cases (1856-58) (ER) |
Dearsly's Reports of Crown Cases (1852-56) |
Dearsly's Reports of Crown Cases (1852-56) (ER) |
DeGex and Smale's Chancery Reports, 5v. (1846-52) 5v |
DeGex and Smale's Chancery Reports, 5v. (1846-52)(ER) |
DeGex, 1851-58, Chancery Reports, (DeGex, Macnaghten & Gordon), 8v, (ER) |
DeGex, 1851-58, Chancery Reports, (DeGex, Macnaghten & Gordon), 8v, Am. Ed |
DeGex, 1857-59, Chancery Reports, (DeGex & Jones), 4v, (ER) |
DeGex, 1857-59, Chancery Reports, (DeGex & Jones), 4v, Am.ed. |
DeGex, 1859-62, Chancery Reports, (DeGex, Fisher & Jones), 4v, (ER) |
DeGex, 1859-62, Chancery Reports, (DeGex, Fisher & Jones), 4v, Am. Ed. |
DeGex, 1862-66, Chancery Reports, (DeGex, Jones & Smith), 4v, |
DeGex, 1862-66, Chancery Reports, (DeGex, Jones & Smith), 4v, (ER) |
Delane's Elector List Revision Decisions, 1832-35, 2ed |
Denison's Reports of Crown Cases (1844-52) 2v |
Denison's Reports of Crown Cases (1844-52) 2v (ER) |
Denison's Reports of Crown Cases (1844-52) 2v (with American Decisions) |
Dickens, Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery, 1559-1798, 1v. (ER) |
Dickens, Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery, 1559-1798, 2v |
Dodson's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty (1811-28) 2v |
Dodson's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty (1811-28) 2v (ER) |
Donnelly's Chancery Reports, 1836-37 (ER) |
Douglas' Reports of Cases in King's Bench (1778-85) 4ed 4v (ER) |
Dow, 1812-18, House of Lords Cases, 6v |
Dow, 1812-18, House of Lords Cases, 6v (ER) |
Dow, 1827-32, (Dow & Clark) House of Lords Cases, 2v |
Dow, 1827-32, (Dow & Clark) House of Lords Cases, 2v (ER) |
Dowling & Ryland's Reports of Cases in Nisi Prius in King's Bench and the Home Circuit (1822-23) (ER) |
Dowling, 1822-27, King's Bench (Dowling, J. & Ryland) 9v |
Dowling, 1822-27, Nisi Prius Cases (Dowling, J. & Ryland) 1 pt. |
Dowling, 1830-41, Bail Court (Dowling, A.) 9v |
Dowling, 1842-43, Bail Court, N.S. (Dowling, A. & Dowling), 2v |
Dowling, 1843-49, Bail Court (Dowling, A. & Lowndes) 7v |
Drewry & Smale's Chancery Reports, 2v. (1859-65) |
Drewry & Smale's Chancery Reports, 2v. (1859-65)(ER) |
Drewry's Chancery Reports, 4v. (1852-59) |
Drewry's Chancery Reports, 4v. (1852-59)(ER) |
Drinkwater's Common Pleas Reports, 1840-41 |
Dunning's King's Bench Reports, 1753-54 (Am.ed., 1885) |
Durnford and East, Term Reports of Cases in King's Bench (1785-1800) 8v |
Durnford and East, Term Reports of Cases in King's Bench (1785-1800) 8v (ER) |
Dyer's Reports during the Reign of Henry VIII-Elizabeth. 3v (1513-82) |
Dyer's Reports during the Reign of Henry VIII-Elizabeth. 3v (1513-82)(ER) |
East's Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench (1800-12) 15v (ER) |
East's Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench (1800-12) 16v. |
Eden's Chancery Reports, 1757-66, 2v |
Edwards' Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty (1808-12) |
Edwards' Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty (1808-12) (ER) |
Ellis & Blackburn's Reports of Cases in Queen's Bench and Exchequer (1834-41) 8v (ER) |
Ellis & Ellis' Reports of Cases in Queen's Bench and Exchequer (1858-61) 3v (ER) |
Ellis & Ellis' Reports of Cases in Queen's Bench and Exchequer (1858-61) 3v, Am. Ed. |
Ellis, 1851-58, King's Bench Reports (Ellis & Blackburn), 8v |
Ellis, Blackburn, & Ellis' Reports of Cases in Queen's Bench and Exchequer (1858) (ER) |
Ellis, Blackburn, & Ellis' Reports of Cases in Queen's Bench and Exchequer (1858), Am.Ed. |
'Espinasse's Reports of Cases of Nisi Prius During Reign of King George III (1793-1807) 6v (ER) |
Finch's Precedents in Chancery, 1689-1722 |
Finch's Precedents in Chancery, 1689-1722, (2ed) (ER) |
Fitz-Gibbons' Reports of Cases During the Reign of George II (1727-32) (ER) |
Fitzherbert's Great Abridgement (The Year Books), 1514 |
Forrest's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer (1800-01) |
Forrest's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer (1800-01) (ER) |
Fortescue's Reports of Cases in Westminster (1695-1738) (ER) |
Foster & Finlason's Nisi Prius Cases, 1856-67, 4v |
Foster's Reports of Crown Cases (1743-61) 3ed (ER) |
Freeman, 1660-1706, Freeman's Chancery Reports, 1v (ER) |
Freeman, 1660-1706, Freeman's Chancery Reports, 2ed |
Freeman's Reports from the King's Bench and Common Pleas (1670 -1704) (ER) |
Freeman's Reports from the King's Bench and Common Pleas (1670 -1704), 2ed |
G. Cooper's Chancery Reports of Lord Eldon (1815, etc.) |
G. Cooper's Chancery Reports of Lord Eldon (1815, etc.) (ER) |
Gale & Davison's King's Bench Reports, 1841-43, 3v |
Gale's Exchequer Cases, 1835-36, 2v |
Giffard's Chancery Reports, 5v. (1857-62) |
Giffard's Chancery Reports, 5v. (1857-62)(ER) |
Gilbert's Cases in Law and Equity (1714-15) |
Gilbert's Cases in Law and Equity (1714-15) (ER) |
Gilbert's Reports of Cases in Equity, 1705-27, 2ed (ER) |
Glanville's Election Cases, 1623-1624, 1775, 1v |
Godbolt's Reports During the Reigns of Elizabeth to Charles, 1v. (1575-1638)(ER) |
Gouldesborough's Reports During the Reign of Elizabeth, 2d ed. (W.S. at Inner Temple) 1 v. (1586-1602)(ER) |
Gow's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius, in the Court of Common Pleas (1818-20) |
Gow's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius, in the Court of Common Pleas (1818-20) (ER). |
Haggard's Reports of Cases in the Consistory Court (1752-1821) 2v |
Haggard's Reports of Cases in the Consistory Court (1752-1821) 2v (ER) |
Haggard's Reports of Cases in the Ecclesiastical Court (1827-33) 4v |
Haggard's Reports of Cases in the Ecclesiastical Court (1827-33) 4v (ER) |
Haggard's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty (1822-38) 3v (ER) |
Haggard's Reports, 1825-40 |
Hall & Twells' Chancery Reports, 1848-50, 2v. (ER) |
Hardres' Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer (1655-69) 2ed (ER) |
Hardres' Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer (1655-69), 2ed |
Hardwicke’s High Court of Chancery Reports, 3 v., (1765-1768) |
Hardwicke’s King's Bench Reports, 1733-36 (1766) |
Hardwicke’s King's Bench Reports, 1733-38 (1770) |
Hare's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery by Sir J. Wigram (1841-53) (ER) 11v |
Hare's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery by Sir J. Wigram (1841-53), 11v |
Harrison & Rutherford's Common Pleas Reports, 1865-66 |
Harrison & Wollaston's King's Bench, & Bail Court Reports, 1835-36, 2v |
Hay and Marriott's Reports of Decisions in the High Court of Admiralty (1776-79) |
Hay and Marriott's Reports of Decisions in the High Court of Admiralty (1776-79) (ER) |
Hay's Liability for Accidents Decisions, 1860 |
Hemming & Miller's Chancery Reports, 2v. (1862-65) (ER) |
Hemming & Miller's Chancery Reports, 2v. (1862-65), 2v |
Henley's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery, during Northington (1757-66) 2nd ed. (ER) |
Hetley's Reports of Cases in the Common Pleas (1627-31) |
Hetley's Reports of Cases in the Common Pleas (1627-31) (ER) |
Hobart's King's Bench Reports, 1 v (1603-25) (ER) |
Hodges' Common Pleas Reports, 1835-37, 3v |
Holt's Equity Reports, 2v. (1845)(ER) |
Holt's Reports of Cases as Lord Chief Justice (1688-1700) (ER) |
Holt's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius during the Reign of King George III (1815-17) |
Holt's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius during the Reign of King George III (1815-17) (ER) |
Horn & Hurlstone's Exchequer Reports, 1838-39, 2v |
Hovenden's Supplement to Vesey Junior's Chancery Reports, 1827 (ER) |
Hurlstone & Coltman's Exchequer Reports (1862-66) 3v (ER) |
Hurlstone & Coltman's Exchequer Reports (1862-66) 4v |
Hurlstone & Norman's Reports in Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber (1856-62) 7v (ER) |
Hurlstone & Norman's Reports in Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber (1856-62), 7v |
Hutton's Reports of Cases in the Court of Common Pleas (1612-38) 2ed, corr. (ER) |
Jacob & Walker's Chancery Reports, 1819-21, 2v, Am.ed. |
Jacob & Walker's Chancery Reports, 1819-21, 2v. (ER) |
Jacob's Chancery Reports, 1821-22, 1v (ER) |
Jacob's Chancery Reports, 1821-22, 1v, Am. Ed. |
Jenkin's Eight Centuries of Reports in the Exchequer Chamber (1220-1623) 3ed (ER) |
Jessel's Rolls' Court Decisions Analysis/Digest, 1883 (ed. Peter) |
Johnson & Hemming's Chancery Reports, 2v. (1859-62) (ER) |
Johnson & Hemming's Chancery Reports, 2v. (1859-62), 2v |
Johnson's Chancery Reports, 1v. (1858-60) |
Johnson's Chancery Reports, 1v. (1858-60)(ER) |
Jones, T., Reports of Cases During the Reign of Charles II (1667-84) (2ed) |
Jones, T., Reports of Cases During the Reign of Charles II (1667-84)(ER) |
Kay & Johnson's Chancery Reports, 4v. (1854-58) |
Kay & Johnson's Chancery Reports, 4v. (1854-58) (ER) |
Kay's Chancery Reports, 1v. (1853-54) |
Kay's Chancery Reports, 1v. (1853-54) (ER) |
Keble's Reports of King's Bench Cases During Reign of Charles II, 3 v.(1661-79)(ER) |
Keen's Rolls' Court Reports, 1836-38, 2v (ER) |
Keen's Rolls' Court Reports, 1836-38, 2v, Am. Ed. |
Keilway's Reports. D'ascure Cases (1496-1531)(ER) |
Kelynge's Cases in Chancery, the K.B., etc., 1730-35 |
Kelynge's Cases in Chancery, the K.B., etc., 1730-35 (ER) |
Kelyng's Reports of Crown Cases During Reign of Charles II, 1 v. (1662-69) |
Kelyng's Reports of Crown Cases During Reign of Charles II, 1 v. (1662-69)(ER) |
Kenyon's Notes of Cases in the Court of King's Bench (1753-59) 2v (ER) |
Kenyon's Notes of Cases in the Court of King's Bench (1753-59), 3v (ed. Hanmer) |
Knapp's Privy Council Cases, 1829-36, 3v |
Knapp's Privy Council Cases, 1829-36, 3v (ER) |
Lane's Reports in the Court of the Exchequer (1605-12) (ER) |
Lane's Reports in the Court of the Exchequer (1605-12), 1884 Reprint of 1657 edition |
Latch, King's Bench Cases, 1-3 Charles I (Eng.), 1793 |
Leach's Modern Reports (1669-1732) 12v (ER) |
Leach's Reports of Crown Law Cases during Kings George II & III (1730-1814) 4ed 2v (ER) |
Leach's Reports of Crown Law Cases during Kings George II & III (1730-1815) 4ed 2v |
Lee's Cases in Ecclesiastical Courts by Phillimore (1752-58) 2v (ER) |
Lee's Reports of Cases before Justice Hardwicke, with Additional Cases (1733-38) 2ed (ER) |
Leigh & Cave's Reports of Crown Cases (1861-65) |
Leigh & Cave's Reports of Crown Cases (1861-65) (ER) |
Leonard's Reports during the Reign of Elizabeth and James 4 v. (1540-1614)(ER) |
Levinz' Reports, 3rd ed., 3 v. (1660-96)(ER) |
Lewin's Reports of Crown Cases on the Northern Circuit (1822-38) 2v (ER) |
Lewin's Reports of Crown Cases on the Northern Circuit (1822-38), 2v |
Ley's Reports of Cases from the Court of Wards, 1v. (1608-29)(ER) |
Lilly's Reports of Cases in Assise (1680-93) (ER) |
Littleton’s Common Pleas Reports,1627-31 (1683) |
Lofft's Reports of Cases in King's Bench (1763-74) (ER) |
Lord Raymond's Reports in the Courts of King's Bench (1792) 4ed 3v (ER) |
Lowndes, Maxwell & Pollock's Bail Court Reports, 1850-51, 2v |
Lushington's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty and Privy Council |
Lushington's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty and Privy Council (1859-62) (ER) |
Maclean & Robinson's House of Lords Reports, 1839, 1v (ER) |
Macnaghten & Gordon's Chancery Reports, 1849-52, 3v |
Macnaghten & Gordon's Chancery Reports, 1849-52, 3v (ER) |
Maddock's Vice-Chancery Reports (1815-22), 6v (ER) |
Manning & Granger's Reports of Cases in Common Pleas (1840-45) 7v (ER) |
Manning & Granger's Reports of Cases in Common Pleas (1840-45), 7v |
March's Reports During the Reign of King Charles I, 1 v. (1639-42)(ER) |
Maule & Selwyn's Reports of Cases in King's Bench (1813-19) 6v (ER) |
Maule & Selwyn's Reports of Cases in King's Bench (1813-19), 6v |
M'Cleland and Younge's Reports of Cases in Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber (1824-25) (ER) |
M'Cleland and Younge's Reports of Cases in Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber (1824-25), Am.ed., 1857 |
M'Cleland's Reports of Cases in the Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber (1824) (ER) |
Meeson & Welsby's Reports of the Court of Exchequer (1837-49) 16v (ER) |
Meeson & Welsby's Reports of the Court of Exchequer (1837-49), 16v |
Merivale's Chancery Reports, 1815-17, 3v |
Merivale's Chancery Reports, 1815-17, 3v. (ER) |
Mews' Digest of all the Reported Decisions from 1884 to 1888 Inclusive, 1889 |
Mews' Digest of Cases Relating to Criminal Law Down to the End of 1897, 1898 |
Mews' Digest of Cases Relating to Criminal Law from 1756 to 1883 Inclusive, 1884 |
Mews' Digest of English Case Law to 1910, 1911 (16 volumes) |
Mews' Digest of English Case Law to 1924, 1925-28, 2nd edition (24 volumes) |
Moak's Notes: Reports of Cases Decided by the English Courts, 1872-1889, 38v. (vol 36-38, by J.T. Cook) |
Moody & Malkin's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius (1826-30) (ER) |
Moody & Robinson's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius (1830-44) 2v (ER) |
Moody's Reports of Crown Cases (1824-44) 2v |
Moody's Reports of Crown Cases (1824-44) 2v (ER) |
Moore & Payne's Reports, 1827-31 |
Moore, 1519-1621, Moore's King's Bench Reports |
Moore, 1836-73, Moore's Privy Council Reports (O.S. & N.S.) 24v |
Moore, 1836-73, Moore's Privy Council Reports, 4v. (ER) |
Moore, 1862-73, Moore's Privy Council Reports, N.S., 9v (ER) |
Moore's Cases and Reports, 1 v. (1512-1621)(ER) |
Moore's Common Pleas Reports, 1817-27 |
Moore's Indian Appeals (1836-73), 3v (ER) |
Mosely's Reports of Cases in Chancery, 1726-31 (ER) |
Mylne & Craig's Chancery Reports, 1835-40, 5v (ER) |
Mylne & Keen's Chancery Reports, 1832-35, 3v (ER) |
Nelson's Chancery Reports, 1625-93, 1717 |
Nelson's Chancery Reports, 1625-93, 1v (ER) |
Nevile and Manning's Reports, 1832-39, 6v |
Nevile and Perry's Reports, 1836-38, 3v |
Nottingham, Reports of Cases in Chancery during the Time of Sir H. Finch, Later Earl of Nottingham, 1673-1681 (ER) |
Noy's Reports During the Reign of Elizabeth to Charles, 1 v. (1559-1649)(ER) |
Owen's Reports (1556-1615) (ER) |
Palmer's Reports During the Reign of King Charles II, 1 v. (1619-29)(ER) |
Parker's Admiralty Laws and Cases, 1693-1774 |
Parker's Reports of Revenue Cases in the Court of the Exchequer (1743-67) |
Parker's Reports of Revenue Cases in the Court of the Exchequer (1743-67) (ER) |
Peake's Additional Cases at Nisi Prius (1790-1812) (ER) |
Peake's Nisi Prius Cases, 1790-1812, 2v |
Peake's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius in Court of King's Bench (1790-1812) (ER) |
Phillimore’s Ecclesiastical Cases, 1867-75, 3v |
Phillimore's Reports of Cases in the Ecclesiastical Courts (1809-21) 3v (ER) |
Phillips' Chancery Cases, 1841-49, 2v |
Phillips’ Chancery Cases, 1841-49, 2v (ER) |
Pigott & Rodwell's Registration Cases, 1843-45 |
Plowden's Commentaries or Reports, 2 v. (1550-80)(ER) |
Plowden's Reports, 1550-1580 (1761) |
Pollexfen's Reports of Cases in Common Pleas and Chancery (1669-85) (1702) |
Pollexfen's Reports of Cases in Common Pleas and Chancery (1669-85)(ER) |
Popham's Reports with Additional Cases, 2d. ed., 1 v. (1591-1627)(ER) |
Price's Note of Practice Cases in Exchequer, 1830-31 |
Price's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer (1815-32) 13v (ER) |
Raymond, Lord, King's Bench & Common Pleas Reports, 1694-1732, 3v, 4ed. |
Raymond, T., Divers Special Cases, 1660-84, 3ed |
Raymond's Reports of Divers Special Cases (1803) 3ed, corr. (ER) |
Report des resolutions par Lutwyche en le Court de Common-Bank (1683-1704) 2v (ER) |
Reports de Anderson des cases en le Court del Common-Bank (1534-1604) (ER) |
Reports de Benloe en le Court del Comon-Bank (1532-79; 1546-74) (ER) |
Reports de Gulielme Beistdloes (1530-1627)(ER) |
Reports de Latch en le Temp del Roy Charles I, 1 v. (1624-27)(ER) |
Reports de Rolle en le Temp del Roy Jaques, 2v. (1614-25)(ER) |
Reports de W. Jones en le Temp de Roy Jaques, et de Roy Charles I, 1 v. (1620-40)(ER) |
Reports des cases en le Court del Bank le Roy du Siderfin, 2nd ed., 1v. (1657-76)(ER) |
Reports des Littleton en le Courts del Common Banck & Exchequer (1626-32) (ER) |
Ridgeway's Cases in the King's Bench and Chancery, 1733-45. 1794 (ER) |
Robertson's Reports of Cases in the Ecclesiastical Courts (1844-53) 2v (ER) |
Robinson Jr.'s Reports, 1658-1872 3v |
Robinson's (W) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty (1838-50), 3v (ER) |
Robinson's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty (1798-1808) 6v |
Robinson's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty (1798-1808) 6v (ER) |
Romilly's Notes of Cases in Equity, 1767-87 |
Roscoe's Prize Cases in Admiralty, 1745-1859, 2v |
Russell & Mylne's Chancery Reports, 1829-31, 2v |
Russell & Mylne's Chancery Reports, 1829-31, 2v (ER) |
Russell & Ryan's Reports of Crown Cases (1799-1824) (ER) |
Russell's Chancery Reports, 1823-29, 5v |
Russell's Chancery Reports, 1823-29, 5v (ER) |
Ryan & Moody's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius (1823-26) |
Ryan & Moody's Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius (1823-26) (ER) |
Salkeld's Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench (1795) 6ed 3v (ER) |
Saunders' Reports During the Reign of Charles II, 2 v. (1666-72) |
Savile, Reports de Sir John Savile en le Court de Common Bank, come L'Exchequer (1580-94) (ER) |
Sayer's Reports of Cases in the Court of the King's Bench (1751-56) (ER) |
Scott's Common Bench, New Series (1856-65) 20v (ER) |
Scott's New Reports, 1841-45, 8v. |
Scott's Reports, 1834-40, 8v. |
Searle & Smith's Probate & Divorce Reports, 1859-60, 2 pts. |
Shower's Cases in Parliament Resolved and Adjudged, 1694-99 (ER) |
Shower's Reports of Cases from the King's Bench (1678-94) 2v (ER) |
Simons and Stuart's Reports of Cases in Chancery, 2 v. (1822-26) |
Simons and Stuart's Reports of Cases in Chancery, 2 v. (1822-26)(ER) |
Simons' Chancery Reports (1826-52),17v. |
Simons' Chancery Reports (1826-52),17v. (ER) |
Simons' Chancery Reports (N.S.), 2v. (1850-52) |
Simons' Chancery Reports (N.S.), 2v. (1850-52)(ER) |
Skinner's Reports of the King's Bench (1681-97) |
Skinner's Reports of the King's Bench (1681-97) (ER) |
Smale & Giffard's Chancery Reports, 3v. (1852-57) |
Smale & Giffard's Chancery Reports, 3v. (1852-57)(ER) |
Spinks' Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports of Cases (1853-55) 2v (ER) |
Spinks' Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports of Cases, 2v (1853-55)(1978 reprint) |
Spinks' Reports of Cases in the Admiralty Prize Court and Court of Appeal (1854-56) (1978 reprint) |
Spinks' Reports of Cases in the Admiralty Prize Court and Court of Appeal (1854-56) (ER) |
Starkie's Reports of Cases in Nisi Prius (1814-1823) 3v |
Starkie's Reports of Cases in Nisi Prius (1814-1823) 3v (ER) |
Stone's Insurance Cases, 1700-1913, 2v |
Strange's Reports of Cases During the Reigns of George I to George II (1715-49) 2v (ER) |
Strange's Reports of Cases During the Reigns of George I to George II (1715-49) 2v, 3ed, Nolan |
Style's Modern Reports during the Commonwealth, 1 v.(1646-55) |
Style's Modern Reports during the Commonwealth, 1 v.(1646-55)(ER) |
Swabey & Tristram's Reports in Courts of Probate & Divorce and Matrimonial Causes (1858-65) 4v |
Swabey & Tristram's Reports in Courts of Probate & Divorce and Matrimonial Causes (1858-65) 4v (ER) |
Swabey's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty and Privy Council (1855-59) |
Swabey's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty and Privy Council (1855-59) (ER) |
Swanston's Chancery Reports, 3v (1818-19) (ER) |
Talbot & Fort's Index of Cases Judicially Noted, 1865-90 |
Talbot, Cases in Equity during the Time of Lord Chancellor Talbot, 1730-37 (ER) |
Talbot, Chancery Cases, in temp., 1734-38, 3ed., Williams |
Tamlyn's Rolls' Court Cases, 1829-30, 1v (ER) |
Taunton's Reports of Cases in Common Pleas and Other Courts (1807-19) 8v |
Taunton's Reports of Cases in Common Pleas and Other Courts (1807-19) 8v (ER) |
Temple & Mew's Criminal Appeals Cases, 1848-51 |
Thornton's Notes of Cases in the Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts, 1843-50 7v |
Tomlin's Repertorium Juridicum & Index to Law & Equity Reports, 2 pts, 1788 |
Tothill, Transactions of the High Court of Chancery, 1559-1646, (ER) |
Turner & Russell's Chancery Reports, 1822-24, 1 v (ER) |
Turner & Russell's Chancery Reports, 1822-24, 1v, Am. ed. |
Vaughan's Reports of Cases from the Court of Common Pleas (1665-74) (ER) |
Ventris' Reports During the Reigns of Charles II to William and Mary, 2 v. (1668-84)(ER) |
Ventris’ King’s Bench Reports, 1660-1685 (1726) |
Vernon's Cases in Chancery, 2v, 1680-1719 (3rd edition)(ER) |
Vesey & Beames' Chancery Reports, 3v. (2d) (1812-1814) (ER) |
Vesey, Jr.'s Chancery Reports, + Hov. Supp. (1789-1817) 22v (ER) |
Vesey, Supplement to the Reports in Chancery of Francis Vesey, Senior, Esq., (1746-56) 2nd ed. (ER) |
Vesey's Reports from the High Court of Chancery (1746-55) |
Vesey's Reports from the High Court of Chancery (1746-55) 2v. 4th ed. 1818 (ER) |
Waddilove's Digest of Ecclesiatical Cases to 1849 |
Welsby, Hurlstone, & Gordon's Exchequer Reports (1849-56) 11v (ER) |
West, Reports of Hardwicke's Cases in the High Court of Chancery (1736-1739) (ER) |
Westbury’s European Arbitration Decisions, 1872 (1873) |
West's House of Lords Reports, 1839-41 |
West's House of Lords Reports, 1839-41 (ER) |
Wightwick's Reports of Cases in Court of Exchequer (1810-11) |
Wightwick's Reports of Cases in Court of Exchequer (1810-11) (ER) |
Willes' Reports in Court of Common Pleas, with Additional Cases (1737-58) (ed. Durnford,) |
Willes' Reports in Court of Common Pleas, with Additional Cases (1737-58) (ER) |
Williams' Notes to Saunders' Reports, 1666-73, 2v |
Williams' Notes to Saunders' Reports, 1666-73, 2v, 5 Am.Ed., 1833 |
Williams, Peere, Chancery & King's Bench Reports, 1695-1735, 3v, 6ed |
Williams, Peere, Chancery & King's Bench Reports, 1695-1735, 3v. 6ed. (ER) |
Williams’s Chancery Reports, 1695-1743, 2nd ed., 2v. |
Willmore, Wollaston & Davison's King's Bench & Bail Court Reports, 1837 |
Wilmot's Notes of Opinions and Judgments (1757-70) (ER) |
Wilson's Chancery Reports (1818-19) 4pts (ER) |
Wilson's Reports of Cases During the Reign of King George II (1753-74) 3ed 3v (ER) |
Wilson's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer in Equity (1817) |
Wilson's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer in Equity (1817) (ER) |
Winch's Reports of Cases in the Court of Common Pleas (1621-25) (ER) |
Wollaston's Bail Court & Practice Reports, 1840-41 |
Yelverton's Reports of Cases in the King's Bench, 1 v. (1603-13) (ER) |
Younge & Collyer's Chancery Reports, 2v. (1841-43) 2v |
Younge & Collyer's Chancery Reports, 2v. (1841-43)(ER) |
Younge & Collyer's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer in Equity (1834-42) 4v |
Younge & Collyer's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer in Equity.(1834-42) 4v (ER) |
Younge and Jervis' Reports of Cases in Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber (1826-30) 3v |
Younge and Jervis' Reports of Cases in Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber (1826-30) 3v (ER) |
Younge's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer in Equity (1830-32) |
Younge's Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer in Equity (1830-32) (ER) |