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United Kingdom
U.K., England, Judicial, Collective/Multivolume sets (alpha order)
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Click on the collections below to browse the available titles on LLMC Digital.
Abstracts of cases contained in Lloyd's reports of prize cases, v. 1-4, 1919
Bar Reports, 1865-71, (12 volumes)
Building Societies Decisions, 1894-1909
Chancery, 1647-93, Select Chancery Cases, 4ed
Chancery, 1660-98, Chancery Cases, (ER)
Chancery, 1660-98, Chancery Cases, 3ed, 2pts.
Chancery, 1724-33, Select Cases Heard by King, 2ed (ER)
Chancery, 1740-41 (Barnardiston) 1v. (1742)
Choyce Cases in Chancery, 1557-1606 (1870)
Choyce Cases in Chancery, 1557-1606, 1v. (ER)
Common Bench Reports, New Series, 1856-65, (20 volumes)
Common Bench Reports, Old Series, 1845-56, (18 volumes)
Common Pleas Court, Rules and Orders 1654-1811, [1811?]
Common Pleas Reports, 1706-39
Condensed Reports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Chancery in England [1807-39], 1831-42 (13 volumes)
England & Wales. Court of Chancery. General Abridgment of Cases in Equity, 1667-1744 (ER)
English Reports (Full Reprint), (176+2 volumes)
English Reports Reprint, Chart of Reports, Vols. 1-167
English Reports Reprint, Chart of Reports, Vols. 1-176
English Ruling Cases, 1894-1902 (London ed. with American notes) (26 volumes)
Equity Reports, 1835-55 (3 volumes)
House of Lords Cases, 1847-66, (Clark) (11 volumes)
Industrial Court Awards, 1919-
King’s Bench Reports, 1764-74 (1776)
King’s Bench Reports, 1901-
Law Reports, Appeal Cases Before the House of Lords (English, Irish, and Scotch), 1875-
Law Reports, Chancery Appeal Cases, 1865-74 (Hemming) (10 volumes)
Law Reports, Chancery Appeal Cases, 1865-74 (Hemming) American edition
Law Reports, Chancery Division I
Law Reports, Crown Cases Reserved, 1865-75 (2 volumes)
Law Reports, Equity Cases Before the Master of Rolls, 1865-71 (Hemming)
Law Reports, House of Lords Appeal Cases, 1866-75, (Clark) (7 volumes)
Law Reports, Privy Council Appeals, 1867-75 (6 volumes)
Law Reports, Probate & Divorce, 1865-75 (3 volumes)
Law Reports, Probate Division, 1891-
Licensing Law Reports, 1913-
Prize Cases, British & Colonial, 1914-22 (3 volumes)
Queen's Bench Reports, 1865-75 (10 volumes)
Queen's Bench Reports, 1875-90 (25 volumes)
Queen's Bench Reports, 1891-1900
Reports of Cases in the Court of Chancery (1625-68) (ER)
Reports, 1893-95 (15 volumes)
Rules of the Supreme Court, 1883
Rules of the Supreme Court, 1883-1932
Rules of the Supreme Court, 1883-1935
Sessions Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench (1710-47) (ER)
Settlement Cases & Resolutions, K.B., 1710-32, 3ed
Weekly Notes, 1866-1925
Weekly Notes, Digest of Cases Not Reported in the Law Reports, 1868-79 Sittings
Weekly Reporter, 1852-1906