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International Organizations (alpha order)
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Click on the collections below to browse the available titles on LLMC Digital.
1967-77, Official Gazette, East African Community
1970, Laws of the East African Community, rev. ed.
Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee, South West Africa cases, 1968.
EFTA - Convention establishing the European Free Trade Association, 1979 (English & French)
Inter-American Bar Association. Conference (2nd : 1943 : Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Resoluções = Resolutions = Resoluciones = Résolutions
Inter-American Juridical Committee. Draft Convention on a Uniform Law on the International Sale of Tangible Personal Property: a Preliminary Study, 1960
International Commission of Jurists (1906). Actas, resoluciones y documentos, 1914
International Commission of Jurists (1906). Acts, resolutions and documents, 1914
International Court of Justice. Yearbook / Annuaire, 1946/1947-
International Labour Office. Convention and Recommendations Adopted by the ILO at the 46th Session at Geneva, 1963
International Labour Office. Recommendations and Convention Adopted by the ILO at the 44th Session at Geneva, 1960
International Prize Court. Hague Convention (XII) of 1907 Relative to the Creation of an International Prize Court, 1915
Labour Party (Great Britain). Freedom of the Seas: Old and New, [1929]
League of Nations. Constitution, 1918
Maritime Law Association, Full Documents Ser.
Maritime Law Association, Full Documents Ser., Ind.
Oficina Interamericana de Marcas, Boletin, 1929-45
Pan American Union. Codification of International law: General Report, 1944
Perm. Ct. Intl' Just., 1920, Protocol Establishing the Court, HMSO, 1923
Perm. Ct. Intl' Just., 1922, Stats. & Rules
Perm. Ct. Intl' Just., 1925a, U.S. Membership, Cong., Hse. Hearings
Perm. Ct. Intl' Just., 1925b, U.S. Membership, Cong., Hse. Com. Rpt.
Perm. Ct. Intl' Just., 1926a, Conf. of State Signatories, Off. Com. Rpt.
Perm. Ct. Intl’ Just., 1926b, Conf. of State Signatories, Final Act
Sociedad Cubana de Derecho Internacional y el Pacto de la Liga de las Naciones, [1920]
Taft, Taft Papers on League of Nations, 1920
United Nations, Reports of International Arbitral Awards, [1948?]-
United Nations. Inter-Allied Declaration Against Acts of dispossession Committed in Territories Under Enemy Occupation or Control, 1943
Wheeler, 1912, Procedure for Submission to Perm. Ct. of Intl’ Justice