Home -> Other Countries -> Iraq -> Iraq, Treatises (alpha order)
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Gr. Br., 1920, Iraq, Handbook no. 58 |
Gr. Br., 1920, Iraq; Peace Handbook no. 63 |
Gr. Br., 1920-31, Rpt. to League of Nations on Mandate |
Gr. Br., 1923-24, Rpt. to League of Nations on Mandate |
Gr. Br., 1932, Foreign Office Rpt. |
Gr. Br., 1946, For. Off., Corresp. on Iraqi For. Exch. |
Hooper, Commercial Law of Iraq and Palestine, [1929] |
Hooper, Iraq et la Société des Nations, 1928 |
Hooper, Law of Civil Procedure of Iraq & Palestine, 1930 |
Iraq, A Country Study, 1969 |
Iraq, A Country Study, 1979 |
Iraq, A Country Study, 1988 |
Kluge, Konigreich Irak, 1934 |
Main, Iraq from Mandate to Independence, 1935 |
Müller, Syrisch-Römische Rechtsbuch und Hammurabi, 1905 |
Nājī, Ḥuqūq al-taṣarruf wa-sharḥ qānūn al-arāḍī, 1342 [1923 or 1924] (2 volumes) |
Nolde, L'Irak, Origines Historiques, 1934 |
Sallas, Labor Law and Practice in Iraq, 1963 |
Smith, Origin and History of Hebrew Law, 1931 |
Vesey-Fitzgerald, The Iraq Treaty, 1930 |