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1876-78, Beor, Queensland Law Reports (3 parts in 1)
The Queensland Law Reports. Cases in Equity, Common Law, Admiralty, Insolvency, and Criminal Law. Edited by H. R. Beor for the Queensland Law
Society, the Judgments Reported by W. H. Osborne. Published by James C. Beal, Government Printer (Brisbane 1878-1880). Volumes include tables of cases
reported and an index (digest). (Description is to Vol. I. At time of writeup, only Vol. I, with cases from 1876-1878, was available.)
Title:   The Queensland law reports : cases in equity, common law, admiralty, insolvency, and criminal law / edited by H.R. Beor, barrister-at-law, for the Queensland Law Society, the judgments reported by Mr. W.H. Osborne.
OCLC Number:   464669284
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