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1921-1957, Law Reports (Revised).
Law Reports of cases determined by the High Court of Tanganyika (Tanzania), and upon appeal, by the Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa, from 1921 to
1957. This was the revised edition of the prior volumes of the Tanganyika Territory Law Reports, which were consolidated into the first volume, with
additional years added in the second. The first volume covered 1921 to 1952; the second contained cases from 1953 to 1957 and also included some
cases from the Privy Council. Tables of cases and cases cited, as well as an index and a very general table of contents are included in each volume.
Title:   Law reports of cases determined by the High Court of Tanganyika and upon appeal therefrom by the Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa / collated by the judges of the High Court.
OCLC Number:  
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Vol. 1, 1921-1952YesNo
Vol. 2, 1953-1957YesNo