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1966?, First Negro Republic in New World, Her True Face
Haïti: Premiere République Noire du Nouveau Monde, son vrai visage; La Primera Republica Negra del Nuevo Mundo, su verdadera cara; The first Negro
Republic in the New World, her true face: n.a., 160p, Port-au-Prince, Haiti Visite S.A., 1966? (Lacks TOC & index. This trilingual publicity piece was
generated by the Haiti government as an aid to tourism development. Quite naturally it portrays the country, its economy, and its governance in a
flattering light. However, in the context of the present collection, it also serves the useful purpose of lavishly illustrating the physical properties of
the country; its architecture, infrastructure, and economic strengths. As a bonus it provides a generous view of Haiti’s people and their native arts.
The probable window of publication {between 1966 & 1971} is deduced from a picture of “Papa Doc” on p. 13. This shows a visibly satisfied President
with a gift photo of Pope Paul VI intimately placed just behind his shoulder. Duvalier was excommunicated in November 1960 for his many depredations
against the Catholic Church and its personnel. By late 1966 he had shrewdly negotiated his return to grace under Paul VI. After lengthy negotiations,
during which Duvalier budged not an inch, the Vatican abjectly agreed to a new Concordat to replace that of 1860. It essentially agreed to the
Haitianization of the country’s Catholic Church; even conceding to the dictator the right to nominate Haiti’s bishops. He soon used this license to install
members of his dreaded Tonton Macoutes among the ranks of the clergy, converting the church itself into yet another agent of his repressive regime.)
Title:   Haïti : première république noire du Nouveau Monde, son vrai visage : la primera república negra del Nuevo Mundo, su verdadera cara : the first Negro republic in the New World, her true face / [sous la direction de Raymond A. Moyse].
OCLC Number:   644043759
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