Description and Holding Information
1780-1805, Mass. Act & Resolves, (Official Repr. Ed.), 21v
The acts and resolves, public and private, of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay; To which are prefixed the charters of the province, with historical and explanatory notes, and an appendix; (1692-1780, official reprint edition): title varies, n.a., Vol. 1-21, Boston, Wright and Potter Printing, pr. to the State, 1869-1922, all published. (Because most of the early years of the Massachusetts session laws were even then virtually unobtainable, this reprint edition for the years 1692-1780 was authorized by the legislature in a resolve of 1867. Users are alerted that all of the legislative sessions for a given year or biennium are reprinted together in one book, with continuous pagination and a dedicated index for that book. This site relies upon this reprint for Massachusetts and Maine session law coverage for 1692-1780. It relies on separate reprint series to cover 1780-1805. See LLMC Title No. 10515. LLMC’s offering of original printings of Massachusetts and Maine session laws starts with the year 1806; for which see LLMC Title No. 99903.)
Acts and laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
OCLC Number:
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