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Cantekin, Immigration Agency Funding Mechanisms in Selected OECD Countries, 2022
Immigration Agency Funding Mechanisms in Selected OECD Countries. By Kayahan Cantekin and other foreign law specialists. Published by Law Library of
Congress (December 2022). 4 + 25 p. Contents include the comparative summary and a table listing thirty-four jurisdictions, the name of the
immigration agency, the funding mechanisms, whether there is a special account for immigration fees, cited sources of information (including legal authorities
and Internet addresses) and comments. (The comparative summary states: “The report puts special focus on whether the jurisdictions employ mechanisms
enabling the relevant agencies to use service fees and other charges that they collect while providing immigration-related services to fund their
operations, as distinguished from the ordinary appropriated funding they receive from state budgets”)
Title:   Immigration agency funding mechanisms in selected OECD countries / Kayahan Cantekin, Foreign Law Specialist.
OCLC Number:   1375656117
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