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Chalupovitsch, Canada: The Emergencies Act, 2022
Canada: The Emergencies Act. By Michael Chalupovitsch. Published by Law Library of Congress (November 2022). 3 + 18 p. The summary identifies the
sections of this report: “This report reviews the history, key provisions, and contemporary use of Canada's Emergencies Act. It outlines the
constitutional allocation of emergency powers, and the history of the predecessor statute, the War Measures Act. It explains the reasons for the reform of federal
emergency powers and the introduction of the Emergencies Act. It discusses the key provisions of the Emergencies Act, including types of emergencies,
permissible orders, and oversight provisions. Finally, it explains the 2022 invocation of the Emergencies Act and subsequent oversight procedures.”
Title:   Canada : the Emergencies Act / Michael Chalupovitsch, Foreign Law Specialist.
OCLC Number:   1350418802
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