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Investment Incentives, 2023
Investment Incentives. By Louis Myers and other legal reference librarians. Published by Law Library of Congress (August 2023). 4 + 205 p. Contents
include the Comparative Summary, with maps indicating maximum individual and corporate tax rates; sections on 22 countries; and a Table of Primary
Sources, listing type of law, citations and Internet links for each legal authority. (The Comparative Summary states: “This report explores various
investment incentives and the tax treatment of investments in the following jurisdictions: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Egypt, France, Greece,
Israel, India, Iran, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Mexico, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Jurisdictions have been chosen based on the size of their economies, and the report addresses the primary incentives for making equity investments to
corporations, from both a corporate and individual investor perspective.”)
Title:   Investment incentives : Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Portugal, Russian Federation, South Korea, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States / Louis Myers, Legal Reference Librarian; Kelly Buchanan, Chief, Foreign, Comparative, and International Law Division II; Eduardo Soares, Senior Foreign Law Specialist; Tariq Ahmad, Foreign Law Specialist; Laney Zhang, Foreign Law Specialist; George Sadek, Foreign Law Specialist; Laure Le Gall, Foreign Law Consultant; Jenny Gesley, Foreign Law Specialist; Kayahan Cantekin, Foreign Law Specialist; Shadi Karimi, Foreign Law Consultant; Ruth Levush, Senior Foreign Law Specialist; Sayuri Umeda, Senior Foreign Law Specialist; Hanibal Goitom, Chief, Foreign, Comparative and International Law Division I; Gustavo Guerra, Senior Foreign Law Specialist; Iana Fremer, Legal Research Analyst; Elin Hofverberg, Foreign Law Specialist; Clare Feikert-Ahalt, Senior Foreign Law Specialist; Jason Zarin, Senior Legal Reference Librarian.
OCLC Number:   1405925735
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