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Description and Holding Information
Navajo Indian Irrigation Project/Navajo Agricultural Products Industry. NIIP & NAPI Background and Current Information, [between 2000 and 2013]
Navajo Indian Irrigation Project (collected documents, 2000-2013). This publication includes: Priming the Invisible Pump, by Terry L. Anderson and
Pamela S. Snyder (PERC Policy Series, Issue No. PS-9), with bibliography; information on Gallegos Pumping Plant, including charts and statistics, a
description of the Plan (including Navajo Dam and Reservoir); section on The Navajo Unit (Colorado River Storage Project), Second Draft, by Toni Rae
Linenberger, Bureau of Reclamation History Program (1998), with bibliography; Cadillac Desert or Sensible Development, by Stephan Patrick Moore (A thesis
submitted to the Graduate School in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts (New Mexico State University (Las Cruces,
May 2006), with maps and bibliography; news stories (xxx; yyy); Mission Statements of Navajo Agricultural Products Industry (NAPI) and Navajo Indian
Irrigation Project (NIIP), with illustrations, maps, and tables (NIIP budget and cost estimates); tabular data, maps, charts and graphs; and Navajo
Indian irrigation project (Wikipedia article). Approximately 240 p., variously paginated.
Title:   NIIP & NAPI background & current information.
OCLC Number:   1390831834
Available Volumes
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Vol. 1YesNo