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Irelan, Salinity of Surface Water in the Lower Colorado River--Salton Sea Area, 1971
Salinity of Surface Water in The Lower Colorado River—Salton Sea Area. By Burdge Irelan. Published by U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey
and printed by GPO (Washington 1971). Approximately 45 p. Contents include abstract and introduction; sections on general chemical characteristics of
Colorado River water, mineral burden of lower Colorado River, 1926-65, ionic budget of Colorado River at various points, 1961-65, data from below
Imperial Dam, and quality of surface water in the Salton Sea basin; summary of conclusions and references (bibliography). With charts and tables with data
for each section. (From the cover page: Geological Survey Professional Paper 486 – E.)
Title:   Salinity of surface water in the Lower Colorado River-Salton Sea area / by Burdge Irelan.
OCLC Number:   966417400
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