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Ball/Picone/Ross, Evapotranspiration by Riparian Vegetation along the Lower Colorado River, 1994
Evapotranspiration by Riparian Vegetation Along the Lower Colorado River, by J. Timothy Ball, John B. Picone and Peter D. Ross. Published by
Biological Sciences Center, Desert Research Institute, University and Community College System of Nevada (Reno, Nevada 1994). xiv + 181 p. Contents include
the Abstract, eight sections: Introduction, Theory, Methods and Procedures, Results and Discussion, Review and Analysis of Other Work on Water Use by
Woody Riparian Vegetation, Analysis of Current Results, Conclusions and Recommendation, and References (bibliograph); with nine Appendixes (sample data
acquisition and analysis, and data from seven sites) and numerous tables and charts (reporting estimates of water use, evapotranspiration rates,
evapotranspiration estimated by Bowen Ratio, among other measures). (From the introduction: “The objective of this investigation was to develop a uniform
data set that provided information on the relative differences in consumptive water use among the prevalent riparian plant communities currently found
along the lower Colorado River. Relationships between consumptive use and various environmental parameters were examined and used to develop a
predictive model for consumptive water use (evapotranspiration). Evapotranspiration was measured utilizing the Bowen Ratio Energy Balance technique.”)
Title:   Evapotranspiration by riparian vegetation along the lower Colorado River / by J. Timothey Ball, John B. Picone, and Peter D. Ross.
OCLC Number:   1389420175
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